Easy to follow program that will teach you proper mechanics for a safer and more effective squat

This Train Your Weakness FOCUSED programming will have you improving your squat in just 8 weeks.

Add-On Progression Programming

30 minutes, 3 days a week, for 8 weeks is all it's going to take to improve your squat! This program focuses on improving your 1RM back squat.

Coach's Notes Included

Each session will have your coach's insights about why you are doing the movement, recovery notes, and more - so you can be sure each step of the way.

Created By The Best

Every single Train Your Weakness program is forged out of many years of elite CrossFit® experience.

Training Delivered Via TrainHeroic App

Get your Train Your Weakness programming from the best in tech - TrainHeroic. Track PR's, record notes, reps, weights, chat with your team, and more!

Sample Programming - Week 1 / Session 1

Control (5min)
90/90 Breathing
1 Set of 15 to 20 Breaths

1 Set:
20 Terminal Knee Extensions per Leg @11X2 Tempo
10 Deadbugs per Side @2121 Tempo
15 Glute Bridge @11X3 Tempo
10 Bird Dogs per Side @1112 Tempo
10 Tall Kneeling Glute Activation @11X2 Tempo
10 Goblet Squats @2221 Tempo
10 Light Dumbbell Cuban Press @1111 Tempo

Rest as needed throughout

Specific (15min)
Barbell Back SquatEach rep completed @20X1Tempo
4 sets of 10 reps
All 4 sets @60% of 1 rep max back squat or RPE 6-7 (could easily complete 3-4 more reps at this weight)
Rest 2-3 minutes between sets

Other Perks You'll Get With TYW Programming

Video Training/Feedback

Struggling with a movement or just want feedback? Send an email to support@trainyourweakness.com with your video and our team will provide feedback ASAP!

Chat With Your Peers

You can chat with all the other athletes doing the same program as you! Get support and celebrate your wins!

100% Money Back Guarantee

Don't love your program? Email support@trainyourweakness.com within 30 days and we will offer you a no questions asked, 100% money back.