GET YOUR PROGRAM NOW ON TRAINHEROIC APPImprove Your Barbell Cycling In Just 6 Weeks
Improve Your Barbell Cyclings in just 6 weeks. Cycling a barbell requires focus, speed, and overall precision if we want to be efficient. The physical benefits we can see from Barbell cycling including strength and conditioning, ultimately coincide with how competitive we can be when competing in the sport of CrossFit!

Add-On Progression Programming
Train Your Weakness is an add-on program to your current fitness regime. Dedicate an extra 30 minutes, 3 times a week, for 6 weeks to see results with your barbell cycling.

Coach's Notes Included
Each session will have your coach's insights about why you are doing the movement, recovery notes, and more - so you can be sure each step of the way.

Created By The Best
Every single Train Your Weakness program is forged out of many years of elite CrossFit® experience.

Training Delivered Via TrainHeroic App
Get your Train Your Weakness programming from the best in tech - TrainHeroic. Track PR's, record notes, reps, weights, chat with your team, and more!
Sample Programming - Week 1 / Session 1
Control: Clean & Jerk (5min)
2 sets:
20 Second Alternating Scorpion with Pec Stretch
5/side Down Dog to Groiner with Thoracic Rotation Stretch
8 Alternating Cossack Squat with Plate Press
8 Kang Squats with Plate
Specific: Clean & Jerk (5min)
2 Sets:
8 Deadlifts
8 Clean Shrugs
8 Clean High Pulls
8 Alternating Front Rack Rotations into Push Press
Control: Snatch (5min)
2 Sets:
10 Snatch Grip Dowel Pass Throughs
10 Snatch Grip Banded Dowel Deadlifts @TEMPO 2121
10 Explosive Prisoner Jump Squats
30 Second Supine Snatch Grip Overhead Barbell Stretch (Foam Roller)
Specific: Snatch (5min)
2 Sets:
10 Snatch Deadlift
10 Snatch Shrugs
10 Snatch High Pulls
5 Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Push Press, Push Jerk (5 of Each)
TEST (10min)
15 Clean & Jerks + 15 Snatches
*5 min time cap (score=reps completed if not done all 30 reps in under 5 mins)
Other Perks You'll Get With TYW Programming

Video Training/Feedback
Struggling with a movement or just want feedback? Send an email to with your video and our team will provide feedback ASAP!

Chat With Your Peers
You can chat with all the other athletes doing the same program as you! Get support and celebrate your wins!

100% Money Back Guarantee
Don't love your program? Email within 30 days and we will offer you a no questions asked, 100% money back.